The Portland Square Clinic, Studio 2 Ground floor, 27 Portland Square, Bristol, BS2 8SA
Standard treating times:
Tuesday 10.00-8pm
Thursday 12:00-4pm
Friday 11:00 - 5pm
Though these hours can vary, best to check the online booking site. If there is no availability please do get in touch!
Chiropractic Services
Chiropractic is a regulated primary healthcare profession. Chiropractors are trained to diagnose, treat, manage and prevent disorders of the musculoskeletal system (bones, joints, and muscles), as well as the effects these disorders can have on the nervous system and general health. They have a specialist interest in neck and back pain, but when they assess patients, they take their entire physical, emotional and social wellbeing into account (British Chiropractic Association)
Consultation: Assessment and Treatment
On your first visit the hour long consultation will be divided into a history taking, examination, report of findings and if appropriate treatment and exercises. The most important part of the session is for you as a patient to have a clear idea of what the problem is and if and how I can help. The most common problems that come to me from new patients are:
Low back pain
Neck pain
Sports injuries
Shoulder pain
General stress and tension
Foot pain
General aching joints
As a primary heathcare practitioner you do not need to consult your GP first and if scans or onward referral is necessary this can be discussed during the consultation. During the report of findings you will also have the number of follow up sessions recommended. The average patients has between 3-6 sessions for their presenting complaint.
The duration of treatment sessions is 30 minutes as standard, which allows sufficient time for an hollistic approach comprising a combination of techniques including:
Manipulation (adjustment of joints)
Mobilisation (gradual movement of joints)
Soft Tissue release
Assisted stretches
Dry Needling (use of needles to release fascia and muscles with patient consent)
Instrument Assisted Myofascial Release (using tools to release tension in the fascia)
Rehabilitation (prescribed exercises from physiotherapy, pilates and yoga worlds)
Breath exercises
Some patients will be actively following a treatment plan for a specific condition, where as others may be attending for maintenance treatment. This is treatment every 1-3 months designed to prevent problems and maintain optimum mobility. Other patients prefer to book in adhoc (usually when they get the odd niggle).
All new patients if booking online need to select an assessment first, this is an legal requirement before treatment can commence.